What Are Mesh Banners?
Designed to endure strong winds, mesh banners are created with a net-like pattern that allows wind and gale to breeze through without damaging the material. They are typically hung on chain-linked fences to display ads and event details, but they can also be used for a variety of purposes and in different settings. Setting up is easy too! Our mesh banners can be customized with grommets or pole pockets to suit your location needs.
Our mesh banners have a vinyl to holes ratio of 70:30, which means 70% of the material is printable vinyl while 30% is comprised of holes. You may expect some transparency or what might look like a “muted appearance” from mesh banners compared with standard vinyl ones which are more vibrant. This is a common occurrence across all printing services and printing companies, but you can trust that we will only deliver high quality signs every single time.